Tuesday, July 9, 2019

30 Days to Discipline: Day 2

Habit #1) Eat no more than 3 meals per day and no snacking. - I ate 3 meals, more or less. Only I did have a cookie and I ate again after dinner because the food they gave me at work was so gross, I felt like I needed something more.
Habit #2) Wake up at 5am-7am(latest)  I woke up at 8:30 today, so no.
Habit #3) Take cold showers every day - I ended my shower cold, so yes
Habit #4) No Masturbating or Internet Pornography:  None of either, so this is a win.
Habit #5) Do Exercise workout : I did not exercise, so this is a fail.
Habit # 6) Dress for success every single day : I did not dress up before going to work, I wore a tshirt and shorts. I really don't know how I feel about this one. It's too damn hot in the summer for this.
Habit # 7) Maintain and complete a to-do list : I forgot to write out a list today, although I did do things that were important. Actually, that's not true. I did make a list, and this blog was on it.
Habit # 8) Every day for 30 days you must keep correct posture - stand up straight,chest held high, head held high and make eye-contact with everyone : I tried to do this as best I could, I think I'll improve at it the more I write this because it will be fresher on my mind.
Habit # 10) Every day for 30 days you must keep a notebook and pen with you : I did not, but I have a smartphone, I think that should count for something. I'm tired of my notebook getting jacked up.
Habit #9) Every day for 30 days your answers to yes or no questions are “Yes” or “No” : This is a hard one to judge, but I think I did pretty good.
Habit #11) Work towards your very definite goal every day : I met with Jack today, so I would count that.

7/11 Certainly improvements can be made. Speaking of which, 7-11 day is just around the corner. I think hotdogs and Slurpees are on the diet, just as long as they are part of a meal. Tomorrow I'll explain what this is and why I'm tracking it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The First Step

Entry #1

My journey thus far…

I set out on this journey a little over a year ago but it wasn’t until recently that I felt the pieces falling into place.

This is all about where I go next and how I will plan to author my own life simply through being more aware.  I will be sharing my own trials and breakthroughs as I experience what works for me as well as those things that I want to eliminate for my life.  In doing so I will encounter my personal strengths and weaknesses.

Right now, I’m making a concerted effort to bring all the pieces of my life together and into balance as I seek to cultivate a more disciplined lifestyle.

My first success came sometime last week although I am still in the early stages.  I have yet to see substantial results but I have no doubt they are coming.  I have always had an inclination to place my trust in systems rather than people, being the somewhat analytical person that I am.  The system I am developing now however is partly my own creation.  In a way it is helping me to trust myself because it is also helping me to see myself clearly.

Sometimes you make a change or have an epiphany where something just clicks and you can innately sense, this is the missing piece of the puzzle.  That’s what happened to me. I guess you could call it a paradigm shift.

I had just purchased yet another eBook to improve myself.  This time it was for self-discipline.  It was like a self boot camp.  Growing up I always knew that discipline was hard and I thought I ought to go into the army, just for the discipline.  Or even perhaps my parents should send me to boarding school.  Funny thing to think, I know.

Everything leading up to this moment I was wrestling with. It brought me to one very simple conclusion.  I don’t even know why it hadn’t occurred to me before. It was this: I don’t know what I am doing all day.  I can’t control what I am not aware of.  Sure I know what I am doing, if you were to ask me I could tell you.  But I wasn’t present during my day.  My day was leading me and I wasn’t leading it and there was so much that I would do unconsciously.

There is an old saying, “in order to know where you’re going, you must first know where you’ve been”, the context is one of history however and the emphasis is on not repeating past mistakes.  In my case however, I have adapted this.  I realized that what I really needed to start was a re-calibration or a litmus test, if you will.  My take on this is: “In order to know where I’m going, I need to know where I AM”.  Obviously the first step in finding your way if you are lost.  In order to do that, I need a map.  

A map serves as a guide, I’m going to use journaling or blogging as my guide or my means of self-reflection, in conjunction with some other tips I picked up along the way.  The first of which is, documenting everything that I do, on paper.  It has been a real eye-opener.   I'm also scared about laying everything out in the open, even if nobody reads it, there is something very vulnerable about it to me in that kind of public accountability.

As for my destination, that much is clear.  I have a very clear goal in mind.  I am in a house in Attalla, Alabama living with my Aunt.  I am going to Orlando, FL for school.  My classes don’t start until fall but I have a friend that just arrived there yesterday so I really need to be there ASAP. The plan is to spend the summer there working on our career skills and character, and having some fun whenever we can along the way.

At age 30 this will be my first time truly on my own.  I don’t have work lined up so this is truly a leap of faith for me.  I’m waiting on money for gas and renewing my insurance, which I have allowed to lapse.  I will need to register my car here as well.
Let’s see how soon I can make all of this happen.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Doing my part

This article comes courtesy of bruceongames.com I'm sharing it in it's entirety to show support to my fellow bloggers that have taken a stand against the relentless shameless spam of Evony and it's unscrupulous Chinese owners and legal department.



If you have read my article called “Do you have what it takes to be the next Spam Queen?” it actually explains everything about this obnoxious online game browser, the one that must not be named before, ehem Evony. The ubiquitous ads of Evony seems inescapable as they hog the ad space in every gaming site or non-gaming sites we visit. Since countless bloggers and advertisers complained to Google regarding this spam abuse of Evony, this is their early Christmas to all of us:

“Hi everyone — thanks for your patience so far. We’ve received all of your feedback and have looked into your concerns. Any Evony ads should now point only to evonyonline.com, so having evonyonline.com on your filter list should now effectively block all Evony ads. If you still see ads after adding this URL to your filter (and it’s been over 48 hours since you’ve added it), reply to this thread and we’ll look into it.”

Google Admin

Woot woot, I don’t need to filter all my articles and comments and replace them with an image version [], that’s less hassle indeed. Well speaking of the devil, UMGE Group, a publicaly listed game development company out of China, wants to dominate the online gaming market through their shady Evony, as well as dominating the advertisement world too. Now, it seems their next tactic for supremacy is to control the bloggers and media people by threatening them with lawsuits. Bruce Everiss, a veteran games industry marketer who runs a website at http://www.bruceongames.com/, is their first victim of this nonsense libel case they filed in Australia. The armchairdiplomat.com blog also criticize this move as saying “Now setting aside the obvious dick move on UMGE’s part by suing a UK blogger in Australia for a game owned by a Chinese company who’s servers are in America, doesn’t something have to be proved to be incorrect to technically be defamatory?” and PopeHat.com witty response “Its Lawyers Rely Upon, Act Like Boobs”. Even the British daily newspaper “Guardian” received a legal complaint from Evony LLC and the demanding to remove the controversial article “Has Evony become the most despised game on the web?” So I want to ask the same question I’ve been pondering, has the Evony become the most despised game on the web? Oppps, don’t say anything defamatory or Evony will shoot errr sue! After the jump, you can read on the actual threatening letter sent to Bruce from Warren McKeon Dickson, a firm of Australian solicitors hired by Evony.






If you want to help beat these people you can. Just cut and paste anything I have ever said about Evony on here and put it anywhere and everywhere on the web. You don’t even have to credit the source if you don’t want to. They cannot threaten everybody! The more that the truth about Evony is propagated the better the Streisand effect will be - BruceonGames.com